A fan of Comick's who just wants to try to help her work, ya know? She's been through allot, & I'd thought It'd would just be nice just to do what no one in her fan-base has ever done, make a spin off comic based on the concepts of her comic, In The Dark.

Age 22, Male

A fan of Comickpro

I'm not saying!

& surely not telling!

Joined on 10/6/20

Exp Points:
3,324 / 3,600
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5.97 votes
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> 100,000
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1m 1d

TheEnvyRecords's News

Posted by TheEnvyRecords - June 20th, 2023

Officially, it's (Slightly late by a day, due to IRL stuff.) Envy Day! 3 Years running. *Cough* Thank you all! ^.^

Well, I guess I should use this time to explain what I've been up to as of late, well I've been off with other projects. I will be honest, I do try my best to get back into DIB, since it's a passion project for me, but due to college, work, & so on, it's been hard to find time to work on it. Still though, I intend to try and complete my projects, even if it takes me a life time, so who knows? :P God, but ya know? Even after all this time, I still don't know how these big comic book corporations do it, you'd have to have a lot of ideas & a lot of inspiration to keep these comics going, that's what I realized. Don't worry, eventually I intend to get something out, for now though, be patient, the best things come with time. :) To all my readers, (All 100 something :P )

Happy Envy Day!


Posted by TheEnvyRecords - June 25th, 2022

You all thought I forgot about Envy Day? What in hell would make you think that! Heheh. ^^' Well, I was busy the past 6 days & couldn't celebrate the first day of Envy. I do apologies for the few who remembered that June 19th marked the start of Envy Day. I've been so busy with life as of late, I haven't had time to work on Envy & Skitzo this year. Really got to pick up the pace. Worry not though, DIB is still my passion project, my pet that I must continue to care for. As long as there's a passion, we're good. :)

Have a Happy 4th to all, sure I'm 9 days early, but better than being 6 days late.


Posted by TheEnvyRecords - June 19th, 2021

Yeah! It's officially been 1 year of making @Comick fanart! Woo! To celebrate, I'm declaring today Envy Day for me, a very simple holiday actually! I tell ya, this year has been a tad chaotic, from a peacekeeper being thrown out of office, to the dreaded "Bat-Plauge", (Which I may have caught twice in 2020...) to Pink Floyd predicting the Capitol Riot with his song "In The Flesh". Yeah, ya know, it hasn't been easy this past year. Why, I recall the exact day when the "Bat-Plauge" took hold & everyone had to stay home, you get allot of time to create with what time you have.... Oh! Look at me, babbling on again! Well, anyways, I hope everyone has a good day today, & remember... "Happy Envy Day!" :)


Posted by TheEnvyRecords - June 15th, 2021

On June 19th, 2020, I started my amazing fan project of making Comickpro stuff & posting it about round here. Well, June 19th is only 4 days away, marking it as my 1st year of creating stuff. What started out as dedicating 30 days of my life to drawing 1 Comickpro picture a day from June 19th-July 19th, has truly turned into a chaotic Renaissance of creation! For that, I thank @Comick for being here & inspiring me to do so.

Alas, I realize I haven't been as... "Productive" these past few months, every Renaissance has it's dark ages, no? It might be because of writer's/artist's block, might be because I had caught COVID in the middle of page 5 of Issue 2 of DIB & had to take a break, now it's taking a toll on my mind... IDK, but what I do know is that no matter what, no matter how long it takes, I'm going to finish Dressed In Black. For the sake of the Comickpro fandom, for the sake of me, & for the sake of Envy. After all, the definition of envy is the same as greed, just not as fortunate. ;)

Anyways, thank you all so much for such a good 1 year! As always, be safe! You never know who has, what could have, or where the "Bat-plauge" could be lurking. Stay safe everyone! :)


Posted by TheEnvyRecords - May 27th, 2021


I don't think it's that people don't like of him, it's that people don't want to admit to liking him. I think it's the fact that people relate to Idolatry a bit more than any other sin in the series. If you stop & think about it, most gods in our world were formed from the concept of idolization. Jesus? A man who woke up after being buried & left, they basically didn't do a autopsy to make sure he was dead before putting him in. Now everyone loves the cross. Buddha? Gautama Buddha? Clearly just a monk whom knew stuff by luck. The Sun? Aztecs use to worship that thing, as it doesn't give & it doesn't take & everyone can see it. Hell, George Carlin worshiped the sun. So, in short, it's not that nobody doesn't like Idolatry, it's that they can't admit to liking him. :D

& now... jokes:





Posted by TheEnvyRecords - April 28th, 2021

Yep! Today's my Birthday! 19 & proud of it! :D Thank lucifer too, I'm one more age closer to 21, one step closer to everything in life being open to me!

(Well, I could go to Germany, where I could've been drinking at the age of 16, but I don't wanna come back to the states & get tested, only to be told: That alcohol level is unacceptable in our country! you be going downtown with us tonite!)



Posted by TheEnvyRecords - April 27th, 2021

Well, not today, but the 28th's my birthday! So I'm putting it up a day ahead. Happy Birthday to me! :D

(In other news, June 19th will be my 1 year aniversery for when I started this whole dedicated to Comickpro Project, as that was the day I started making Comick fanart during the pandemic. Damn, I really gotta keep working on Issue 2, of course I got college... I can see why Crystal takes 5 years to make these comics! ^^' You lose your skill for a bit from work/schooling & have to retrain yourself. TwT)



Posted by TheEnvyRecords - February 7th, 2021

Happy Super Bowl Day! Well, today while I was working on my little passion project & listening to my classical music, I found a video that involved some form of... Hunger Games Simulator... Well, that got me thinking, so I went & found this simulator & have created the 1st annual In The Dark Productions Hunger Games! This is what the simulation gave me, enjoy!:

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Idolatry runs away from the Cornucopia.

Trash runs away from the Cornucopia.

Sin sets an explosive off, killing Lucifer, and Carl.

Pig Buccaneer runs away from the Cornucopia.

Gluttony runs away from the Cornucopia.

Rich Bird runs away from the Cornucopia.

Promiscuous and Crystal fight for a bag. Crystal gives up and retreats.

Evilbird runs away from the Cornucopia.

FibbleZane, and Little Dog get into a fight. Zane triumphantly kills them both.

Deciet runs away from the Cornucopia.

Centidog runs away from the Cornucopia.

The Devil catches Squid Puppy off guard and kills him.

David runs away from the Cornucopia.

Sloth runs away from the Cornucopia.

SAHU cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Skitzo runs away with a lighter and some rope.

Envy runs away from the Cornucopia.

Clash finds a canteen full of water.

Gluttony begs for David to kill him. He refuses, keeping Gluttony alive.

Evilbird stabs Sloth in the back with a trident.

The Devil runs away from Promiscuous.

Centidog tries to sleep through the entire day.

Envy is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Deciet and Pig Buccaneer work together for the day.

Sin stalks Rich Bird.

Trash tries to spear fish with a trident.

Idolatry thinks about home.

Clash begs for Zane to kill him. He refuses, keeping Clash alive.

Crystal stalks Skitzo.

Fallen Tributes #1

7 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

LuciferDistrict 12

CarlDistrict 9

FibbleDistrict 1

Little DogDistrict 7

Squid PuppyDistrict 3

SAHUDistrict 8

SlothDistrict 9

Pig Buccaneer tends to Sin's wounds.

David and Deciet tell stories about themselves to each other.

Crystal receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Envy and Clash tell stories about themselves to each other.

Rich Bird is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Zane destroys Evilbird's supplies while he is asleep.

IdolatryPromiscuous, and Trash discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Gluttony cries himself to sleep.

Centidog sees a fire, but stays hidden.

The Devil and Skitzo tell stories about themselves to each other.

Clash travels to higher ground.

CrystalDavidRich Bird, and Skitzo hunt for other tributes.

PromiscuousPig BuccaneerIdolatry, and The Devil hunt for other tributes.

Centidog explores the arena.

Sin practices his archery.

Deciet diverts Evilbird's attention and runs away.

Envy and Trash work together for the day.

Zane receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Gluttony accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Fallen Tributes #2

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

GluttonyDistrict 4

Crystal sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Sin and Pig Buccaneer talk about the tributes still alive.

David catches Clash off guard and kills him.

Rich Bird passes out from exhaustion.

The DevilSkitzoZanePromiscuous, and Trash sleep in shifts.

Envy bashes Deciet's head in with a mace.

Idolatry goes to sleep.

Evilbird severely injures Centidog, but puts him out of his misery.

The Devil constructs a shack.

Skitzo picks flowers.

Zane picks flowers.

Rich Bird camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Promiscuous camouflauges herself in the bushes.

Pig Buccaneer is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Evilbird constructs a shack.

Envy steals from Crystal while she isn't looking.

Idolatry discovers a river.

David stalks Trash.

Sin travels to higher ground.

Fallen Tributes #3

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

ClashDistrict 7

DecietDistrict 5

CentidogDistrict 3

Envy forces Evilbird to kill Trash or Crystal. He decides to kill Crystal.

Zane sets up camp for the night.

Promiscuous climbs a tree to rest.

Rich Bird is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Idolatry convinces David to snuggle with him.

Sin stays awake all night.

Skitzo receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Pig Buccaneer receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

The Devil cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Rich Bird kills Promiscuous with a hatchet.

Sin makes a slingshot.

Pig Buccaneer sprains his ankle while running away from Trash.

Zane diverts David's attention and runs away.

Envy makes a wooden spear.

Skitzo tries to sleep through the entire day.

The Devil tries to sleep through the entire day.

Evilbird dies of dysentery.

Idolatry picks flowers.

Fallen Tributes #4

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

CrystalDistrict 11

PromiscuousDistrict 5

EvilbirdDistrict 8

EnvySkitzoRich Bird, and Trash sleep in shifts.

The DevilSin, and Zane sleep in shifts.

Pig BuccaneerDavid, and Idolatry discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Rich Bird sprains his ankle while running away from Sin.

Idolatry collects fruit from a tree.

The DevilTrash, and David start fighting, but Trash runs away as The Devil kills David.

Envy and Pig Buccaneer split up to search for resources.

Zane stalks Skitzo.

Fallen Tributes #5

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

DavidDistrict 11

Trash begs for Skitzo to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Trash.

Rich Bird thinks about home.

Sin destroys Pig Buccaneer's supplies while he is asleep.

Envy kills The Devil with a hatchet.

Idolatry convinces Zane to snuggle with him.

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Pig BuccaneerEnvy, and Zane confront each other, but grab what they want slowly to avoid conflict.

Idolatry accidently steps on a landmine.

Sin decides not to go to The Feast.

Skitzo decides not to go to The Feast.

Rich Bird decides not to go to The Feast.

Zane defeats Rich Bird in a fight, but spares his life.

Envy overhears Skitzo and Pig Buccaneer talking in the distance.

Sin picks flowers.

Fallen Tributes #6

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

TrashDistrict 6

The DevilDistrict 12

IdolatryDistrict 4

Pig Buccaneer convinces Zane to snuggle with him.

Envy destroys Rich Bird's supplies while he is asleep.

Sin starts a fire.

Skitzo cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Zane fishes.

Envy sprains his ankle while running away from Pig Buccaneer.

Rich Bird discovers a river.

Sin dies from an infection.

Fallen Tributes #7

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

SkitzoDistrict 2

SinDistrict 2

Rich Bird stays awake all night.

Envy questions his sanity.

Zane and Pig Buccaneer talk about the tributes still alive.

Envy receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Zane defeats Rich Bird in a fight, but spares his life.

Pig Buccaneer picks flowers.

Fallen Tributes #8

No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Pig Buccaneer begs for Envy to kill him. He refuses, keeping Pig Buccaneer alive.

Zane shoots a poisonous blow dart into Rich Bird's neck, slowly killing him.

Zane begs for Pig Buccaneer to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Zane.

Envy dies trying to escape the arena.

Fallen Tributes #9

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Rich BirdDistrict 10

ZaneDistrict 6

EnvyDistrict 1

The winner is Pig Buccaneer from District 10!

That's it, that's it folks, it's all over! The winner of this year's ITD Hunger Games is the Pig Buccaneer from "Ships Ahoy!" What a trooper! Even when far from his ship, Ol' Buccaneer Bob won't be held down by no one! His prize? Well, we might just have to a little summer house in Deep Hell for his troubles! Complete with fireproof walling, 2 beds, 1 Bath & a backyard of an overlook of layer #2 of Deep Hell. As a bonus, we'll also throw in a 75% discounts on any & all purchases of pork meat pizzas bought at Pasta Joe's Pizza! (should he wish to go to the surface for a bit.) We'll see ya next year folks!

Final Results:

Pig Buccaneer


District 10

1 Kill


2nd Place

District 1

2 Kills


3rd Place

District 6

3 Kills

Rich Bird

4th Place

District 10

1 Kill


5th Place

District 2

2 Kills


6th Place

District 2

1 Kill


3rd Place

District 4

The Devil

3rd Place

District 12

2 Kills


4th Place

District 6


5th Place

District 11

1 Kill


6th Place

District 8

3 Kills


3rd Place

District 5


3rd Place

District 11


3rd Place

District 3


4th Place

District 5


5th Place

District 7


6th Place

District 4


3rd Place

District 9


3rd Place

District 8

Squid Puppy

3rd Place

District 3

Little Dog

4th Place

District 7


5th Place

District 1


6th Place

District 9


3rd Place

District 12

Death Summaries


The Bloodbath

Sin sets an explosive off, killing Lucifer, and Carl.

FibbleZane, and Little Dog get into a fight. Zane triumphantly kills them both.

The Devil catches Squid Puppy off guard and kills him.

SAHU cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Day 1

Evilbird stabs Sloth in the back with a trident.

Night 1

No deaths occurred.

Day 2

Gluttony accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Night 2

David catches Clash off guard and kills him.

Envy bashes Deciet's head in with a mace.

Evilbird severely injures Centidog, but puts him out of his misery.

Day 3

No deaths occurred.

Night 3

Envy forces Evilbird to kill Trash or Crystal. He decides to kill Crystal.

Day 4

Rich Bird kills Promiscuous with a hatchet.

Evilbird dies of dysentery.

Night 4

No deaths occurred.

Day 5

The DevilTrash, and David start fighting, but Trash runs away as The Devil kills David.

Night 5

Trash begs for Skitzo to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Trash.

Envy kills The Devil with a hatchet.

The Feast

Idolatry accidently steps on a landmine.

Day 6

No deaths occurred.

Night 6

Skitzo cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Day 7

Sin dies from an infection.

Night 7

No deaths occurred.

Day 8

No deaths occurred.

Night 8

Zane shoots a poisonous blow dart into Rich Bird's neck, slowly killing him.

Day 9

Zane begs for Pig Buccaneer to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Zane.

Envy dies trying to escape the arena.

The winner is Pig Buccaneer from District 10!


Posted by TheEnvyRecords - December 24th, 2020

Upon the chance that someone stumbles upon this little post, hello there! You have just found one of the few profiles on Newgrounds that have a dedication, a theme if you will. For a select few who don't know who Comick is, Comick / Comickpro / Crystal Gonzalez is an animator/artist who originated here on Newgrounds, she has since been giving many wonderful pieces for the last 11 years and has been since working on 4 series of her own, those being Clash & Trash, In The Dark, Skitzo The 1920's Killer Bear, and S.A.H.U (Super Android Hero Unit / Stupid Android Hero Unit / Sardines And Horned Urchins) You can find her profile @Comick . Now, as a fan whose been following her work since 2018, I've always been amazed by her creations, from the scared Fibble to the luxurious sins of Deeper Hell, her work never ceased to amaze me, then I went searching to see if there were any fan comics for Comick. I could find nothing, was nobody willing to make fanart, or rather some form of spin off series for her? A person who has dedicated 11 years of her life to these diverse, lovable, (Forgivable of their crimes), and sensible characters? So, in late June of 2020, I dedicated 30 days of my life to making some form of fan comic for comick, just to see how far I could get. What came out was this, an entire fan storyboard dedicated to Comick's Skitzo: https://www.newgrounds.com/playlists/view/eab0df17df69e380ebe9241ab1642ff0

Now, I was. & still am, very aware this was nothing compared to Comick's masterpieces, Comick has always had that unique aurora about her. How she does it? I don't know! So, I just began doodling little bits here and there around her characters. While reading a few pages of her comic, In The Dark, I began to think of something. In the 2nd issue, there's a fella by the name of Idolatry, The Sin of Worship, that got me thinking "This guy seems interesting, what's his backstory?" I went and found a little animation narrated by Richard Garner and found out. He is a sin whom feeds off of the concept of human need that aren't needs all, but rather useless wants. I then started thinking about what type of people who would go down to this guy, not just a bunch of worshipers of things in the modern media, but what about people who destroy Idols? Does he take em and torture em? How could it happen? Why would it happen? Usually people ignore a brand they don't like... but what if it was a brand that they did like? I got to work to see what examples I could find of such a concept of betrayal of Idolartyism, surely I did, a little song by the name of Lament of a Factory by Dr.Steel, which talks about a worker whom was fired for his unsafe concepts. I took the lyrics, remodified em, & came out with a solid start, I was going to stop... buuuut I tried to make it a tad longer, not satisfied, bit more, and so on. Eventually I created an entire comic from Pen and Paper and came out with this first issue: https://www.newgrounds.com/playlists/view/2f965bb44ac29175920881ef9e852d56

Currently, I'm dedicating to having at least a decent amount of issues in the series, but life does get in the way, no problem in working hard on it in my spare time though. In conclusion, It might not be as good as Comick's masterpieces, but it's my passion project, and nothing more.


Posted by TheEnvyRecords - December 24th, 2020

If you are reading this, then chances are you've discovered that stars are now hidden on your fine works on Newgrounds. This is because of the recent update to the Newground's site... Apparently Newgrounds doesn't want us to have any form of visuals on ratings with no more than 5 reviews. How has it come to this? I'm most unsure, I fear that content that maybe good will be pushed to the bottom of the lists and probably won't be viewed due to "Other" things usually at the bottom of lists... *Ahem* In either way, this is nothing to fear my friends, i'm sure Newgrounds has a logical explanation & will tell us the public soon enough!
