On June 19th, 2020, I started my amazing fan project of making Comickpro stuff & posting it about round here. Well, June 19th is only 4 days away, marking it as my 1st year of creating stuff. What started out as dedicating 30 days of my life to drawing 1 Comickpro picture a day from June 19th-July 19th, has truly turned into a chaotic Renaissance of creation! For that, I thank @Comick for being here & inspiring me to do so.
Alas, I realize I haven't been as... "Productive" these past few months, every Renaissance has it's dark ages, no? It might be because of writer's/artist's block, might be because I had caught COVID in the middle of page 5 of Issue 2 of DIB & had to take a break, now it's taking a toll on my mind... IDK, but what I do know is that no matter what, no matter how long it takes, I'm going to finish Dressed In Black. For the sake of the Comickpro fandom, for the sake of me, & for the sake of Envy. After all, the definition of envy is the same as greed, just not as fortunate. ;)
Anyways, thank you all so much for such a good 1 year! As always, be safe! You never know who has, what could have, or where the "Bat-plauge" could be lurking. Stay safe everyone! :)