
46 Art Reviews

33 w/ Responses

Oh boy... When Skitzo starts speaking in full sentences, you know damn well he's pissed off. Ha-ha. ^^' Ah, but that's what you get when you're in hell. You can die as many times as ya want, but you'll always come back. Lake of fire & whatnot. The best thing I can personally say is hang the dog on a cross, & leave him there to rot. Either that or he could always gather enough souls to bribe Death to destroy the dog permanently, that should at least make him smile. ^^'

(Also, nice to see Skitzo customizing his signature blade. :D Love the little handle improvement, so much better than that dull handle from before, though who am I to say? Like they say, "Classics Never Die". Ho-ho. ^^')

Comick responds:

Thanks! yeah I like to think the knife can morph depending on his mood. The larger it is, the more "Elder Ring" it gets haha

"What have we here laddie? Mysterious scribblings? A secret code?! No. Poems, no less. Poems everybody! Me laddie reckons himself a poet!" -The Schoolmaster, The Wall (1982)

I tell ya, some folk just got no chill at all. Seems to only get worse with each generation of teaching. If something as common as drawing gets one suspended in one decade, than let it be untied shoes or muddy jeans get them expelled in the next decade. Such is the way with the system. At least the principle was reasonable, so I'd say ya got lucky.

Comick responds:

Yeah I was glad the principal thought she was getting a little extreme over some doodles!

Wait... Is that a pepsi can on the floor?

Welp. I have officially lost all respect for Fibble. Ha-ha. ^^'
(I joke, but... still. Well, everyone has their preferred drinks I guess.)

(Still though, for being a late Halloween Picture, I'd say this was right on time for Valentine's Day. :D Ya already got the italian food, just need some candles & a conveniently placed heart shaped object in the background. ^^' )

Comick responds:

I imagine Pasta Joe's Pizza would serve Pepsi products just like a Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, or KFC would. That means you can also order pepsi owned sodas like Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist, Mugs Root Beer, Dr. Pepper, Schweppes Ginger Ale, and Baja Blast. Pasta Joes knows how to pick drinks that go well with pizza!

I'm gonna be honest. I don't see what everybody's obsession with Home Alone is. The movie just feels so... so... "mean spirited"? I don't know, I just feel bad for Marv & Harry, getting pummled by a child just for trying to steal a few bucks? They deserve punishment, yes, but I don't think a brick to the head is the way to go. Kevin himself is just too smug for me, seems like everytime a traps going his way, he just smiles with each one that hits, making him feel a bit more like a sociopath than an average kid. Kevin's family is a bunch of jerks, (Especially Bucky, the big brother) in fact I think at least a few of the family knew Kevin was going to get left behind and kept their mouths shut, it just feels like that type of family. I guess my hatred for this movie series comes from being forced to watch Home Alone 4 so many times growing up, that movie basically ruined the rest of the series before it for me. Personally, I'll just stick to the holiday specials that mean the most to me, each and every Rankin Bass film that ever was, and Scrooge (1970) with Albert Finney. (& possibly Die Hard 2.) Oh, & a happy Lunar New Year to you. :)

Comick responds:

Wait..what?? There is a home alone 4?!?! I didnt even know there was a 3...sorry they made you watch direct to sequels. The first one is really the only fun one, and yes it's overly violent but it's like a live action cartoon. They even show the guys skeleton when he gets electrocuted so its not like...meant to be taken too seriously.

Oh shit! Character Quotes/phrases speed run... Go! (From left to right)

Um, "Buy crypto, suckers!" (That's not- Doesn't matter, same actor.) "What are you gonna do, knock my block off?" "You met with a terrble fate, haven't you?" *Gaaaaaaaaaasp* "I eat out, I eat clean! Jesus pass the dramaphine." "It's the spooky month?" (Come on, come on, bring it on home!) "Sorry, I don't speak italian."

TIME! 23.42 seconds... man. T.T

Comick responds:

1st one was Bill Cipher not King (0 pt).
2nd line was Shorty the clown scene not Rudy (0 pts)
3rd was correct (1pt)
4rd was from the musical not the cartoon or movie as I described, so that doesn't count lol (0 pt). "I'm the ghost with the most!" or "its show time" would have been correct.
5th was correct (1pt)
6th was correct BUT we all know the most iconic is "I’m Ready, I’m Ready." (1pt)

total 3/6 score, you get a pass :)

Oh hell yeah, Death was an amazing episode! Next to the "Transport" episode, which I put at number one only because of the raisins scene, Death was probably my favorite episode in the entire series. Good pacing, good build up, good writing, beautiful civil service, & may I say, though you probably won't agree, this was the one time I actually broke into laughter because of how calm Duck was over the whole ordeal, from the maggots, the mere fact he was 6 feet under, & just how he tormented the coffin in the end of it all.

(Side note: I don't know if you noticed this, but when Coffin says "I can't do this anymore!" before dying, it feels like a callback to DHMIS 5 to the scene right before Duck got killed himself, to which of course he said the same thing. Ironic really. Ah, memories, memories... still can't get that stupid Time song from 2 out of my head though... I did like unemployed brendon too though... oh, now I can't decide which one's best. ^^' )

Comick responds:

Yeah transport was my 3rd place fav ep, 2nd place fav was the last ep in the season

Little moments like this in a kids youth make one wonder just how they're gonna grow up... Lets be honest, we've all had moments like this when we were kids, let it be the ice cream man leaving the minute you get there, or perhaps a detention that you felt was unjust... & chances are we still hold onto those moments. Truly makes you wonder.

Comick responds:

Yeah, I can't help but think eventually he may grow to resent his parents if he follows all their rules, and they treat him like a robot not even caring for his feelings or pleas. I think the way they just brushed him off so coldly without even a 2nd thought was the part that made me go... damn poor kid. Not even a pat on the back to comfort his distress or a gentle "Sorry buddy, we cant get that for you" at the least!

Keeping up with the times are we? I didn't like it personally, I'm one of the many who say it's over-rated. All it is is just SAW with children's games, if I wanted to see something like that, I would've just turned on the Shotgun Carousel scene from SAW 6, or maybe just see if "As The Gods Will" is any good, heard Squid Games ripped off one or two of the scenes from it... Though, then again, Danganronpa's a good one too... Oh, but if you want a true gem, I'd reccomend Drifting Classrom, that's a good one too... Oh, where was I? Oh! Yes, yes! I feel bad for Skitz for losing, there's always next year though. :)

Reply: Hey! John Kramer was a great antagonist in SAW, you gotta admit! That guy had some development. ^.^' Ah well, Happy December 1st. 24 Days till X-mas.

Comick responds:

Haha well I have to disagree with everything you said there. XD The character development to me was far more enjoyable then any person in the Saw films.

Oh-ho! That reminds me, are we gonna get a Skitzo Cartoon this Halloween, or is it time for a Thanksgiving special? ^.^

Reply: Oh, another chance for Skitzo to slaughter Santa. How magical! ^^

(But knowing the cartoons as of late... Santa's gonna be a Pig Animal.)

Comick responds:

maybe Xmas! If I can complete it in time

Oh sweet Lucifer! Tiny Idolatry! Head pats to that little fella. >w< Praise Kawaii!

(On a side note though, I do have Disney+, but the only thing it's good for is to watch the older cartoons, maybe some Once Upon A Time, & then you just stop using it all together. Why use Disney+ though, when you can just go on Youtube & watch it from reuploads? It's a free alternative & it's legal... I think! Well, I can watch Killer Klowns free there too, so who am I to say? :P )

Comick responds:

Thanks! Yeah I do wish they had a full library of the old cartoons, now that would get me interested. But from what I heard, its all marvel and starwars and I'm just not that invested. Plus I hear they charge an extra $30 for the new moves so that's also really ugh...cutting the veins of my wallet.

A fan of Comick's who just wants to try to help her work, ya know? She's been through allot, & I'd thought It'd would just be nice just to do what no one in her fan-base has ever done, make a spin off comic based on the concepts of her comic, In The Dark.

Age 22, Male

A fan of Comickpro

I'm not saying!

& surely not telling!

Joined on 10/6/20

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